Thursday, October 8, 2015

Inspiration to catapult bright ideas

I most like to read biographies of successful people, because in the book narrated a lot about a person's life from the beginning until he reached the pinnacle of success. One of my favorite books is a biography of Sukarno, the first president of us. Anyone know him as proclaimers Indonesia and the father of our nation. He also has a remarkable intellect that makes him could catapult brilliant ideas for the betterment of the nation. Although he did not take place during the government of significant development from an economic standpoint, but keep in mind that he managed to create a solid foundation that makes NKRI can continue to stand upright though buffeted by various storms.

Solid foundations that he created, one of which is about the unity of the nation. He understood that our nation made up of various tribes, races, and classes. Thanks to the union he was the one going on even America itself-even acknowledge his expertise to unite the nation. Americans are known modern though still faced with the dilemma of differences in ethnicity, race, and class.

One important thing I learned from him personally was understanding and in-depth understanding of the environment around him that gives inspiration to catapult bright ideas.

What does it mean?

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